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Software Platforms and Apps => 3D-Analyze and TnL games => Topic started by: Tammahawk on 18 February 2010, 16:55:54

Title: Need help with 3d anylize running eve 9200 series
Post by: Tammahawk on 18 February 2010, 16:55:54
Hey guys my nice gaming pc had a plastic screw snap off the heat sinc and now i beieve the board is fried, I need to get my old pc up so i can at least get in game till i can save some cash for a new mom board,so now using my old pc, I play eve online which has some hefty graphics requirements, and all i have at the moment is a 9200 radeon xtasy card 256mb, also may be called a 9250 card i believe, and eve needs at least a shader2 to run, which this card doesnt have, but anyway ive downloaded 3d anylize to see if i can run eve and i cant seem to get the game running all it does is flash the game quick and nothing, ive tried just about every setting in 3d anylize and still no luck, if anyone could help that would be awesome, a lil frustrated here, thanks guys,