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Topics - amp_man

I just got the below message in my email through this forum. I just wanted to let the admins know they've got scammers in the system, I have now disabled emails from forum members.

QuoteHello amp_man

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Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Linux Driver for V5 5500
05 September 2006, 04:27:56
Okay, I've been away from the 3dfx community for, oh, I don't even know how long. I'm actually somewhat amazed and delighted that this site still exists. Now, down to business. I'm playing around with various distros on a 466MHz Celeron with 256mb of ram, gentoo is the current flavor of the week, but I'm looking at several others. I know there are drivers out there (and even included in the kernel) for the V5 5500, but last I knew, they only used one of the VSAs. Is this still the case? And is there a patch or seperate driver to support both GPUs? Also, I see that XiGraphics has a driver that allegedly (according to x-3dfx) supports both gpus. Does anyone have experience with this? 3dfx isn't even listed on their homepage, which is why I ask. Thanks for any info!
Off Topic / Have you recieved email from me?
21 July 2004, 07:23:07
I have been getting notices back from a number of web sites, particularly Italian ones, stating that I have sent them an email containing a virus. I have not actually sent these emails, someone is sending them and using my address in the reply box. If you recieve an email from me containing a small attachment that you aren't expecting, please delete it. I'm trying to sort this out, but it's taking time.

EDIT: If anyone could get the header info from this email, it would be greatly appreciated, none of the people who have sent me automated replies have contacted me back about getting this info. I'm especially looking for the originating IP and ISP, if available, and anything else for info that might be included. Thanks!
Off Topic / Nightbird/Patience
18 June 2004, 08:39:51
Alright, I'm curious: Nightbird here=patience on falconfly and (formerly on) VF, correct? Are you [Nightbird] also patience here? I know, this seems rather stupid to have two names on one board, but the patience here uses (I think) the same avatar as VF's patience, and has the same somewhat broken english, so I must ask :D
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / AmigaMerlin 3.0 9x?
21 December 2003, 01:39:00
I have not heard much lately about AM 3.0 for 9x, and I'm anxiously awaiting it's release. Is there any speculation on how much longer it might be? Thanx.
I have a Pentium 2 (in my sig) that I love, 'cause I can overclock it to death and not care. My problem is that Windows, the DirectX Diagnostic tool, and 3D Mark 2001SE all pick this up as a Celeron, although Rain 2.0 detected it as a PII. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Voodoo2 Discussions / Any way to fix a broken v2?
25 November 2003, 18:25:23
I have a diamond monster 2 12mb that every time I use it, it comes up with every other half an inch or so alternating between yellow blocks, pefectly square that move in a downward direction over the graphics that should be there, and the graphics it should have. Also, vertically between the yellow blocks there are 5 or 6 thin yellow lines connecting them together. I presume that this card is simply not worth the time and effort to repair, because it would be easier to get another, but I would like to give it a shot. I have tested this card in two different systems, under both windows 98se and XP, and using the fastvoodoo2 and the latest original drivers, and nothing has fixed this, so it is a card issue. I have tried taking a screenshot, but it comes up entirely black. this has occured in UT (Glide) and NFS5 (not sure), but I imagine it occurs in all games, as I believe it is probably a bad pipeline. Is this hopeless?
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Voodoo 5 PCI -> MAC?
09 November 2003, 04:27:44
I know of someone who is attempting to flash a Voodoo 5 PCI with a Mac BIOS. does anyone know if this can be done? I just realized that it will be set up for a TV-out, will that interfere at all? I'm looking mainly for someone who has successfully done it or had it fail. I realize the opposite flash is done somewhat often, but I don't know about this one. the other thing is, is there a mac flash program? I couldn't find one, but that means very little.

hey everyone, i've been cruising around ebay, looking for a voodoo 2 for my new system, and i found this: it is a Quantum 3d Obsidian 2, it is basically 2 voodoo 2s in SLI on one board. i doubt this card has much use, since the last driver release from q3d was in 2000 and i doubt FastVoodoo2 would work with it, but i though i'd bring it up in case anyone wants to play with it current bid is 9.99.

General Discussions / Card ID
18 October 2003, 01:22:35
okay, i now know what a V1,2,3,4,5,Banshee, and Rush look like, but they look nothing like this thing. What is it? I just found it on ebay.

when the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|GeForce2(temporarily, for compatibility purposes)|
MSI K7T266Pro2-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card|Sony 500 watt 5.1 surround sound
i heard somewhere that Amigamerlin 3.0 (btw thanks Amigamerlin and the whole team) was supposed to have directx 9 support, so I've been hanging onto midnight club 2, which I bought before i found out it required dx9 and I was going to return it. Does AM 3.0 have full directx 9 support, or is it only compliance like the Voodoolizer 1.05.00 drivers?  And if anyone can tell me exactly how to make this game work, it would be awesome.

when the sun goes down, the music turns up...