I proudly present my new baby
It's a voodoo5 with 4ns memories, swapped from a GF2 asus v7100 pro.
Many thanks to Komponent for this amazing mod !
The card in her glory !
The original cooling is very weak.
With it max overclocking was 192Mhz. Target was at least 200Mhz
The next step was to change the coolers with other ones, bigger.
Notice the black higher coolers.
The results were unfortunately the same...max 192Mhz.
Next step: removing the heatsink !
Card was cooled down in the fridge and heatsink were carefully removed. A lot of emotion in this moment
I found a lot of nasty paste....
My aluminum cooler
Also with 2x80mm fans no better results were achieved
Max Overclocking was 193Mhz.
The voltage was set from 2.8V to 3.2V - no change !!!
The card gets very hot, so that a proper cooling is very important !
Below the errors I get ( horizontal lines ):
The next planned step is to use 2 cooper coolers with arctic silver 5 paste
For the rear of the card, I want also to attach a heatsink. Any recommendation for the front and back coolers ?
How far can I go with the voltage rising ? Up to 3.3 V ?
Fell free to comment the project.
Any idea are welcome
It seems that I choose not the best overclockable voodoo.
Modding is finish !
I manage to mount the cooper coolers.
With this cooper coolers the card could be pushed to 195Mhz. Even if the voltage was rised up to 3.3V, 196Mhz were not possible.
Now was time to improve the cooling on the back of the card.
The area behind the VSA get very hot.
On the back of the card I mount those tiny heatshink.
And, yes ! I reach 200Mhz stable !
Voltage must be 3.26V to run stable.
199Mhz are stable with 3.17V.
201Mhz was no stable even if I rise the voltage to 3.3V.
It's a voodoo5 with 4ns memories, swapped from a GF2 asus v7100 pro.
Many thanks to Komponent for this amazing mod !
The card in her glory !
The original cooling is very weak.
With it max overclocking was 192Mhz. Target was at least 200Mhz
The next step was to change the coolers with other ones, bigger.
Notice the black higher coolers.
The results were unfortunately the same...max 192Mhz.
Next step: removing the heatsink !
Card was cooled down in the fridge and heatsink were carefully removed. A lot of emotion in this moment
I found a lot of nasty paste....
My aluminum cooler
Also with 2x80mm fans no better results were achieved
Max Overclocking was 193Mhz.
The voltage was set from 2.8V to 3.2V - no change !!!
The card gets very hot, so that a proper cooling is very important !
Below the errors I get ( horizontal lines ):
The next planned step is to use 2 cooper coolers with arctic silver 5 paste
For the rear of the card, I want also to attach a heatsink. Any recommendation for the front and back coolers ?
How far can I go with the voltage rising ? Up to 3.3 V ?
Fell free to comment the project.
Any idea are welcome
It seems that I choose not the best overclockable voodoo.
Modding is finish !
I manage to mount the cooper coolers.
With this cooper coolers the card could be pushed to 195Mhz. Even if the voltage was rised up to 3.3V, 196Mhz were not possible.
Now was time to improve the cooling on the back of the card.
The area behind the VSA get very hot.
On the back of the card I mount those tiny heatshink.
And, yes ! I reach 200Mhz stable !
Voltage must be 3.26V to run stable.
199Mhz are stable with 3.17V.
201Mhz was no stable even if I rise the voltage to 3.3V.