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Messages - Summie444

Unfortunately, I think that is the case so I uninstalled it. :(

Thanks for your help, benna.
Thanks for the reply.

I've tried many combinations but none of them seem to work. I'm wondering though if I'm doing something wrong because if I just try to run C&C3 normally (without 3D Analyze) this green launcher screen with Kane's face will appear for a couple seconds and then I'll get a dialog box saying that I need to make sure my video card meets the proper requirements. However, when I click run in 3D Analyze that same launcher screen only flashes for a fraction of a second and then the 3D Analyze program goes behind another opened window. But you're right that it seems like this isn't gonna work. I'd like to give it my best shot though because I'm stuck with this setup until at least the Asus XG Station comes out (and it doesn't even have a release date yet).
I tried that combination as well as a few others. What occurs is that the launcher screen (greenish picture of Kane) pops up for a split second and disappears. It feels like I'm doing something wrong because if I just try to run C&C3 normally (without 3D Analyze), that same launcher screen will appear for a couple seconds and then I'll get a dialog box saying that I need to make sure my video card meets the proper requirements.
Here is the link to the post I made in the games section:

I am re-posting here because after making that post I saw the section titled "Gaming with 3dfx Voodoos" so I think I should've just posted here. Sorry for the double posting.
I stumbled across 3D Analyze by luck so I decided to try it out with Command and Conquer 3 since I was pretty disappointed my laptop couldn't run the demo (so I obviously didn't purchase the game). Well, now I have the game and have downloaded 3D Analyze. I installed the game and it doesn't work on my laptop.

What's holding me back is that my graphics card is only a ATI Mobility Radeon 7500. I tried following the instructions I've found on this site as well as another site, but cannot get the game working. After I select the .exe, check the recommended options, and click run, all I get is the picture of the initial game loading screen flash on my screen for a second and then disappear.

So, first, what are the options I should have checked in 3D Analyze? And, after I choose the .exe, the necessary options, and click run, should the game load (if it is going to work)? Or after clicking run do I have to do something with the batch file?

Thanks is advance for any help.