About the rig 1 :
With a Voodoo 3, i would go for Win9x.
You say that (I quote you) "Some (not so old) games give me some errors or won´t start".
What game ?
The card is 16 Mb memory and 16 bit color rendering limited so it can't run any "modern" game.
With XP, i would go for a Voodoo 5.
About the rig 2 :
Win9x would be better because of its Dos mode and pierrickuk explained very well : "early glide games will be very happy with your voodoo1, especially under DOS".
Voodoo 2 (Sli if possible) would be a better choice for "modern" Glide games.
About the rig 1 :
With a Voodoo 3, i would go for Win9x.
You say that (I quote you) "Some (not so old) games give me some errors or won´t start".
What game ?
The card is 16 Mb memory and 16 bit color rendering limited so it can't run any "modern" game.
With XP, i would go for a Voodoo 5.
About the rig 2 :
Win9x would be better because of its Dos mode and pierrickuk explained very well : "early glide games will be very happy with your voodoo1, especially under DOS".
Voodoo 2 (Sli if possible) would be a better choice for "modern" Glide games.