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Software Platforms and Apps => 3D-Analyze and TnL games => Topic started by: Shapeshift on 24 April 2010, 08:19:20

Title: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Post by: Shapeshift on 24 April 2010, 08:19:20
I'm losing my mind here. I'm using a netbook with a 20x external DVD drive, so I admit this might not work..

It installs no problem. It loads up and attempts to run, but tells me about this stuff with the shader 1.1 nonsense.. I don't get it. This is an old game, so.. Yeah. I seem to be running Intel, and from what I've gathered they don't support shader.

I go looking for some help because Clancy has been giving me a mega headache for weeks now, and I'm getting irritated. I find 3D-Analyze. I'm thinking, awesome, maybe this'll get me around the problem.

Apparently.. Not. I find people saying they get it to work but no information on HOW. The settings I get. The steps I get.

But it simply tells me this.. Whatever about not being able to copy ForceDll. All I can find is info saying to copy the file to the game folder. Which I can't, because Chaos Theory does not do full install. No.. It requires the disc. And I know a lot of other games used to do this.


I'm perfectly fine with this NOT working in the end. But I haven't gotten that far, yet. So I'm not giving up.

When I Select the game's auto-added desktop shortcut, it doesn't even give me the option to check setting boxes or click the run button. But when I use the launcher on the disc it won't copy the ForceDll or whatever it's doing.

It's probably something small and silly I'm doing wrong, but what do I have to do. Am I using the wrong launch file? Do I need to install it differently?
Title: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Post by: ps47 on 29 April 2010, 22:54:05
if I remember correctly,the game only runs on geforce/radeon cards,no exceptions.you are out of luck..