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Topics - NitroX infinity


With the recent updates to my site I figured it was worth a promotional topic.

My website is mostly dedicated to my own collection with lot's of photo's and detailed information.
I also added a section for news related to my site/collection or the community and a section for articles
which I wrote. Right now there are only two but when my retro-system gets completed, I will add
such articles as overclocking and benchmarks.

But that's not all; the Voodoo Lists, which some of you might remember from FalconFly's forum have returned.
This time however, they're not available as text documents but as html pages.

Also note my marketplace where I have a large list of cards I'm looking for.
Most entries have images and a bit of information.

So please have a look at my site and let me know what you think of it!

- NitroX infinity

Shipping of one item to Europe costs $29.75
Shipping of two items to Europe costs $41.50
That's $9 per item saved on shipment.

I figure buying even more saves more, so I'm organizing a 'group buy'. The question that comes to mind; anyone else in Europe interested in buying one (or several) of these?

- NitroX infinity
- st4r4m4m4
- Rolo01

Related topics on FalconFly's Forums;
Group buy topic:;action=display;num=1155588007

What is a V3 3500 TVsi?:;action=display;num=1155173515

This apparently are registry entries for a Banshee.
Is memClock also available for Avenger and Napalm based cards?
Off Topic / TM30
24 April 2005, 11:15:15
TM30: Please check your private messages @ FalconFly's forum and your incoming events from ICQ.

Thanks :D
May my username be changed from Phalanx to NitroX infinity?

It would be somewhat more usefull to me since NitroX infinity is the one I use the most.

Thanks in advance.
I've currently got AmigaMerlin 3.0XP installed and it works okay with the exception of a few things.

- Since my latest re-installation of the drivers I can't get into the 3dfx tools hub. tools has been installed and it's menu is working, but the hub isn't.
- Imperium Galactica II doesn't work with these drivers for some reason.
- A small 3d programm called anim8or doesn't work either because of the opengl driver used by AM3.0XP.

So, I'm looking for new drivers but I have no idea which one to choose. SFFT and the new AM3.1's are not an option because they keep crashing my system when I use a program called RBTray (which is something I will not go without).

So which drivers are left? More important, which one of those has the same functionality as AM3.0XP but doesn't have the same opengl driver nor the problem with Imperium Galactica II and RBTray?

Are the 3Dhq 1.09 Beta 10 drivers an option?

My operating system is WindowsXP pro and I'd rather not change that.
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2,261GHz (MP 17, FSB 133)
MEM: 2x 256MB PC2700 DDR-SDRAM
VID: Voodoo 5 5500 AGP 1900C @166MHz
3DMark: 2577

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2,55GHz (MP 17, FSB 150)
MEM: 2x 256MB PC2700 DDR-SDRAM
VID: Voodoo 5 5500 AGP 1900C @175MHz
3DMark: 2935

And now the shocker:

CPU: AMD Duron 2094MHz (MP 12, FSB 174)
MEM: 1x 256MB PC2700 DDR-SDRAM
VID: Voodoo 5 5500 AGP @ 189 MHz
3DMark: 2929
Just a question.
Those settings you can make in the HUB, aren't they settings in the register?
If so, why not have them set by the installation program?
That is possible isn't it? (Import a .reg file)
Hints By Advanced Users / Advanced FSAA
25 July 2004, 11:58:00
3dfx used Rotated Grid for their FSAA right?

So I was thinking: how many times does a frame get rendered/rotated at 2x FSAA?
And if you'd increase(*) this would the quality of anti aliasing get better?

(*) increase by a factor that sets FSAA between 2x and 4x; 3x

It might be a possibility to add FSAA 3x this way for the V5

Though, I'm possibly completely mistaking with this.
I'm curious;
How do you create new Voodoo 5 drivers?
What software do you need?

Wanna give driver creation a try myself but I have no idea where to begin.
Games / Imperium Galactica 2
12 May 2004, 12:02:59
Apparantly Imperium Galactica 2 does not work with the AmigaMerlin 3.0 drivers. Before you run the game you have to run the setup (configure display driver etc.) but whenever you start setup it reboots the computer.

I like the AmigaMerlin drivers a lot. But I like IG2 even more so I removed the drivers and am now using the standard Windows XP drivers.

Would you guys be so kind as to look into this problem?
You don't need the full game cause it also happens with the demo.

Windows XP sp1
Amigamerlin 3.0XP
I found several references on the internet to a product called "3dfx Velocity 4MB UPG Daughter Board For Velocity 3D Product Only (3DFX)".
All references seem to link to a product for sale at
As far as I can gather from the name it's a memory addon for the Velocity 100 and 200 boards. However, I've seen loads of references which claim that a Velocity 128 is also from 3dfx while it actually is from STB (Pre-3dfx)

So, does anyone know if this is an addon for the 3dfx Velocity's (100 + 200) and if so, do you have more info about it?
I've been trying to figure out the difference between the velocity cards and the Voodoo 3 cards. I think I found it out now. This is for the people who still are searching for the differences. ;)

While the Voodoo 3 cards were aimed at the desktop market (gamers and such), the Velocity's were aimed at the low end business market.
The Velocity 200 was released with a business software package; PowerPlugs: Transitions II from CrystalGraphics and Organic Art Deluxe 2.0. The Velocity 100 was also released with a business software package, consisting of samples from the previously mentioned software.

Hardware differences?
Velocity 100:
- Core: 143MHz
- Memory: 143MHz 8 megabyte SGRAM

Velocity 200:
- Core: 143MHz
- Memory: 143MHz 16 megabyte SGRAM

Voodoo 3 1000:
- Core: 125MHz
- Memory: 125MHz 16 megabyte SDRAM or SGRAM

Voodoo 3 2000:
- Core: 143MHz
- Memory: 143MHz 16 megabyte SDRAM or SGRAM

Voodoo 3 3000 (for those wondering):
- Core: 166MHz
- Memory: 166MHz 16 megabyte SDRAM or SGRAM

So which is better? The Velocity 100 or the Voodoo 3 1000?
There's really no real possibility to compare them; While the Velocity 100 is faster with it's 143MHz core/mem speed, it only has 8 megabytes of RAM compared to the 16 megabytes the V3 1000 has.
I've got a Voodoo 5 5500 Rev 1900 which can reach the amazing speed of 175MHz [}:)] A friend of mine has a Voodoo 5 5500 Rev 2900 which has reached an amazing speed of 184MHz. And I've got another friend who also has a V5 5500 with a higher Rev number which can get to higher speeds than mine.

The conclusion is that the higher the rev number, the higher you can overclock them. The question of this topic is; what's the highest rev number findable on a Voodoo 5 5500?
User Feedback on Web site and forum / Suggestion
16 November 2003, 21:44:48
Here's a suggestion (afterall, that's what this subforum is for, right?):

Get a new forum. Invision Power Board or so.
The current one you're using is well, annoying.
It lacks several key features that other forums do have and handles several features in very odd ways. Like your signature, it's placed as a part of the message so when you edit the message, it shows the "edited by" line below the signature.

Remember, it's just a suggestion.

ASUS P4S533 | Intel Pentium 4 2,261GHz | 512MB Samsung PC2700 DDR-SDRAM | Voodoo 5 5500 AGP