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Messages - Glide

Ok ;)

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Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 an Pentium IV
17 July 2003, 21:49:35
Pentium 4 based system (Intel chipset) - Creative 3D Blaster Voodoo2 SLI 24mb - Windows XP - FastVoodoo2 2.5 driver - UT High Quality settings

Click on image to enlarge.

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Tnx for topic that we hope be useful for many peaple ;).
Which Voodoo3 driver do you suggest for best results with this mod?

Have you made a comparison between the performances with a V3 driver modded and with another 3d party (banshee dedicated) driver (i.e X-Mojomotion 1.0 or others)?

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- Spectrobozo

Download from FastVoodoo2 driver and install in your system: FastVoodoo2 driver kit works fine with OGL games (using WickedGL interface). I add that you must get FV2 3.5 if your OS is Win9X/Me or FV 2.5 if it's Win2k/XP.

Finally, in all tweak sections of 3dfxzone Voodoo area there are the release 2.30, 2.31, 2.99 (beta) and 3.20 (demo) of
Metabyte MiniGL (WickedGL)...[^]

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Say us your problem and/or target so we could help you ...

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Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 an Pentium IV
17 July 2003, 21:24:48
- Spectrobozo: good idea. You could buy another Monster 3D II 8mb (SLI with mismatched cards is no full drivers supported and sometime poor of compatibility).

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You can play with a "good" frame number at 800x600 resolution using WickedGL mini driver.
Better, many better if you could get another Monster 3D II to enable SLI configuration entering so in the true Voodoo2 System ;)

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Uhmm, do it and report here.

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Testing step is in progress: i want give you a good and stable release so you must wait a right time.

Don't warry, therefore, for this ;)

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Ok, very well :)

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Games / help
10 July 2003, 13:54:07
Welcome to board: TombRaider bad runs with XP OS...
Therefore you must update the games with the latest patch.

I'm here

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QuotePost a pic of the card and you will get an answer quickly.

Good answer ;).

True for anybody whick need a similar help.

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RTCW runs fine at high resolution with reference ogl libraries.
You can use openGL dll included in the game directory (search well...)

PS: welcome to board.

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Do you have searced a game update/patch for this expansion?

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